Tattva vision

Tattva vision is a technique developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (probably derived from the elements, or Tattva [also known as Tattwas], of the Samkhya version of Hindu Philosophy) to aid with the development of the faculty of astral clairvoyance. It is claimed to be one of the easiest, fastest and most effective methods of exercising and enhancing the clairvoyant factor.


The tattva symbols

The astral forms of the tattvas and equivalent in Western elements:

Akasha - Spirit

black or indigo vesica piscis or egg

Tejas - Fire

red equilateral triangle

Vayu - Air blue circle

Apas - Water

purple half circle / silver crescent

Prithivi - Earth

yellow square

Constructing tattva cards

Tattva cards can be constructed by cutting the tattva symbols out of coloured paper or card, and pasting on to small cards of about 6 inches by 6 inches in size. Alternatively the tattva symbols may be painted onto the cards, or a commercial set of cards may be obtained.

See also


External links